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Restoring files from a specific date?

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I run Retrospect on a Max OS 10.3.2 Xserve with a VXA2 AutoPak 1x10 attached to it.

Every night I run a normal backup, and on fridays I replace the tapes and make a recycle backup.

As far as I know I am now able to restore files from yesterday and from thursday last week. If I for some reason want to restore a file from any other day, that is not possible. Am I right?

Is there any way that I can, without having one backup set for each day, make the backup so that I can restore a file from any given day for which the backup set has been in use?


best regards



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Is there any way that I can, without having one backup set for each day, make the backup so that I can restore a file from any given day for which the backup set has been in use?



Yes, quite simpel, wenn you choose restore click the 'Add Scnapshot..' button an choose the Snapshot you'll like to get.

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