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Backups to AFP Mount not completing

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I am backing up to a AFP mount from OS 10.2.8. The mount is from a windows 2000 server Mac share. I set this up using Dantz Tech Note article 27238. The setup seems to be fine. It starts the backup, mounts the share and starts copying. The job never completes. When i look at the job log it shows the following:


∆ Retrospect version 5.0.238

launched at 3/24/2004 2:39 PM

+ Retrospect Driver Update, version 3.1.105


+ Normal backup using Daily Backup D at 3/24/2004 2:45 PM

To backup set Backup Set D…


- 3/24/2004 2:45:32 PM: Copying Picture Folder R-Z on Macintosh HD…

3/24/2004 2:58:50 PM: Comparing Picture Folder R-Z on Macintosh HD…

Trouble reading: “Backup Set D” (4290772992), error 206 (drive reported a failure: dirty heads, bad media, etc.).

File “Albert of Monaco&Brooke Shi” appears incomplete, path: “Picture Folder R-Z/Websites/miscellaneous and unknown/Other Pics/Albert of Monaco&Brooke Shi”.

Trouble reading: “Backup Set D” (4290772865), error 206 (drive reported a failure: dirty heads, bad media, etc.).

Trouble reading: “Backup Set D” (4290772169), error 206 (drive reported a failure: dirty heads, bad media, etc.).


....There are hundreds of the Trouble reading lines, but i only posted a couple so you can get the idea. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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