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Not enough application memory


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After scanning files and folders, Retrospect Express 5.6 outputs the message (to the log) "Not enough application memory" and simply quits. I have 1 Gb of RAM, so this is hard for me to believe. I'm trying to backup to a file on an attached USB hard drive. Does anyone have an idea what's wrong?

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It's not a limitation of the software per say, but there have been some improvements to memory management over the last few releases (the current version being 6.5).


Take a look at the System Performance while this running - you may actually be running out of system resources. 1 gig may not be enough memory - especially when matching against a large backup set.


A future release of Retrospect is going to dramatically improve memory management. For the time being you can try a trial edition of 6.5 to see if it will meet your needs, or you can backup subvolumes (folders) individually rather then backup the whole volume at once. Smaller data sources will require less memory.

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I have watched the system resources, and I never seem to approach running out of memory (at least 200 Mb is always available).


I made a brief try at selecting individual folders, but I couldn't seem to select anything smaller than a volume.


Norton Ghost is beginning to look better and better.

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