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Mac client crashes when backing up with Multi Server 6.0.206

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I'm pulling my hair out with this mess.


We are using Multi-Server 6.0.206 and back up several Macs [using client 5.0.238 in Mac OS9] and PCs in our company. When I try and do a backup of a mounted server volume on any of the Macs [Mac KA-Share volume from Xinet Full Press], the Mac will freeze every time. It will freeze even if I create a minimal extension set with Extension Manager that only permits the Retrospect client and file sharing to run.


I've tried all the solutions in the tech notes. Different cables, different Macs, different connection methods - the Mac clients crash every single time.


My issue is this. He have Windows Multi-Server. If I mount my Mac KA-Share volumes on my Win2K Server machine via Samba, none of the Mac resources are backed up. When restored, the the Mac files appear with generic file icons.


Can Retrospect back up a server volume the way I describe? The software lets me set it up that way. Interestingly, the Mac OSX client [5.0.536] does not display mounted server volumes.


Can someone help? I hope I've stated this clearly enough. smile.gif


Thanks in advance.


Dmax Imaging

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I believe what Nate was asking is two-fold:


1. Why aren't you using the Retrospect Client software instead of using third-party mounting software? See the User's Guide for "Network Backup."


2. What are the results when you _do_ use the Retrospect Client software rather than the mounting software?

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It's not "mounting software". KA-Share is a part of Xinet Full Press - it's the portion of Full Press that creates the AFP shares on our Sun E450. It runs on Solaris, and not on the MacOS. Sorry for not being more clear on that point. The volumes KA-Share creates are mounted via the chooser using TCP/IP just as they would be in any typical AFP environment.


Here's what my volumes database looks like in Retrospect.



Like I said previously, whenever I try to use the client to do my backup this way, both Macs I've tried this on freeze. I've pared down the extensions so only AppleShare and Retrospect load at startup - Macs still freeze. I don't think I'm leaving anything out here.


Thanks for your help!


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Thanks for the tip... I'll check into this.


If I connect to the server via AppleTalk instead of TCP/IP do you think that would help?


Sounds like the tech note refers to v 5.0 running on a Mac server, not specifically backing up a Mac server volume using the Retrospect client.


As far as not using the Solaris client, Retrospect for Windows does not see this as a Mac volume and I need the Mac resources backed up as well. I hope I’m wrong on that point but I don’t think so.




Also: does anyone know why a mounted server volume does not appear when using the OSX client?

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I believe the mac resources are stored as regular files on the solaris server. You just need to make sure you restore both the resource file and the original file in a restore.


The appletalk mount may help - it is worth a try anyway.



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