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Only 1 drive runs

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Oh No! I'm a Retrospect Newbie!!!

(Been using Veritas for years though...)


How do I get both my drives to work. I have 1 backup set defined but it seems that it will only write to one drive at a time. Is this the correct behavour? If so whats my best strategy for getting them to both kick in?


Puzzled in Hampton

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Not having the benefit of owning two tape drives, I can't answer from personal experience, but Retrospect won't write to both tapes simultaneously, because it won't do two different task simultaneously. (E.g. backing up two clients at the same time.) What it is supposed to do is use the two drives in sequence. So you might have a blank tape in the second drive for use when the tape in the first fills up, or you could have tapes from different storage sets in the two drives with different scripts using different sets.

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I have a new install of 6.5 multiserver on a Win2k server. I have an Overland LXB dual dlt 8000 robot with 10 slot magazines (with the library expansion add-on/value pack). Sadly it only runs 1 job at a time. My old Veritas install would do 2 jobs at once and the sales guy indicated that Retrospect would too. //insert hopeful look here.



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If you go to the license manager in Retrospect does advanced tape support show up as licensed? If not contact Dantz customer service for another code. There are some cases where the add on value package does not properly activate the tape support feature.



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  • 7 months later...

Are you making sure that each backup set runs in it's own execution unit?


I have the Powerloader SDLT 320 with 2 drives and a 15 cartridge module. Right now I can get both jobs to run at once, but am having trouble with barcodes. All I can do right now is have a backup set for each day bound to a tape and slot.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Holding down the shift key and then clicking eject all in the Retrospect devices window will clear the loader table. That might help with the bar code problem.


You can also turn off bar codes support in Retrospect, do a manual scan of the library contents and then turn on bar code supoort again.




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