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I have this set up:


Primary Server - Xserve with Xserve Raid

Secondary Server - Xserve with Xserve Raid

Backup Server - Xserve


Can I run Retropsect on Backup Server and Retrospect Client on Primary and Secondary, then use Retrospect to do a "Duplicate" script to sync a folder on Secondary to a folder on Primary?


I tried it, and got a bunch of "File Appears Incomplete" errors. Is this a supported configuration? I can duplicate from a folder on Primary to a folder on the Backup Server without any of these errors.


Anyone done anything like this?

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Here are the entrys from the log for two separate times this blew up. The first one was during copy and the second one during compare. Both of these show "user canceled" because I canceled the backup when Retrospect went into it's "Net Retry" mode and the server I was attempting to back up froze up.


8/25/2003 2:25:34 PM: Copying Mac on Gaz_Xserve…

File “NewPage5.ps” appears incomplete, path: “Mac/Commercial/NewPage5.ps”.

Trouble reading files, error -24001 (user canceled).


8/25/2003 2:47:46 PM: Copying Mac on Gaz_Xserve…

8/25/2003 2:51:09 PM: Comparing Mac on Gaz_Xserve_Raid_Stripe…

File “NewPage9.ps” appears incomplete, path: “Mac/Commercial/NewPage9.ps”.

Trouble reading files, error -24001 (user canceled).


The server is crashing hard enough that it won't even restart from the Apple menu. I have to hold down the power button.


After restarting, I mount the server on the machine doing the backups and, in the finder, drive to the folder containing the bad file. I can manually copy that file to the backup machine or open the file from the server in a text editor without problems. If I leave that file on the server, the backup will choke on that file every time. In the first 50,000 files I migrated to the server, I had 6 of these files that killed backups. I removed those 6 files, and the users managed to create 2 more (at least) of these files over the weekend. I only have four users on the server so far. All of the problem files so far have been either .ps or .eps files.


I am backing up a partition that is over a gig, but have moved the files to a smaller partition for testing and have had the same problem.

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Are there some funny permssions on these files? Does the backup hang no matter where you move them? How about moving them to another machine? If you stff the file, delete the original and then unstuff it does the problem continue?


What do disk utilities say about these files or the disk structure?



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