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Questions Regarding Upgrading from Prof V6.0 to V6.5


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Last week I upgraded from Windows XP Home Edition to XP Professional Edition and I found I need to upgrade to Retrospect Professional V6.5 because of a problem with the Disaster Recovery CD with XP Professional with Retrospect V6.0.


Before making this upgrade to Retrospect Professional V6.5, I have the following questions:

1. The Dantz upgrade page only offers an electronic version and not a Upgrade CD. Will this electronic version result in a .exe or similar file that I can make a copy of and keep offsite so that I can rebuild Retrospect from "scratch" if necessary? I had to do this with the first failed XP Professional upgrade attempt where I had to format my Windows partition and then reinstall Windows and Retrospect V6.0 from scratch in order to restore my system.

2. Will I still need to use the PATCH.RPX Retrospect License Patch for my Onstream ADR2120SI tape drive?

3. Since the upgrade is an electronic download, does it ship with the latest Retrospect Drivers?

4. Are the backup tapes I created with Retrospect V6.0 compatable with V6.5 and what are the general "backward compatability" rules for backups and archives created with earlier versions. I looked around on your Web site but I couldn't find anything that addressed this issue.


I have another issue regarding getting a -1017 error when trying to create the Disaster Recovery CD in V6.0 (Before I found out about the XP Professional "Drive A" problem), but I'm going to make that a separate post.


Thank You,

Carl E. Johnson



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To answer your questions in order:


It is a good Idea to burn your downloaded copy of Retropsect to CD. That way you can install it at any time


You should not need a driver update. All previous driver updates are rolled into the newest Retrospect version


Old Backup sets are fully compatible. The Retrospect data format has not changed.



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Thanks Howard and Nate for your replies.


I always try to think ahead of problems I might encounter from an upgrade or update files I need on hand to apply to the upgrade. I've had some software updates (not Retrospect) where it took days to get it working again after an upgrade.


Thanks again,

Carl E. Johnson

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