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5.1 Doesn't Complete Session

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I'm running Retrospect 5.1 on a trial basis. I have now run it five times. The first two times it ran beautifully at around 35MB/min. The last three times I've run it has had two problems: (1) it chugs along at about 7MB/Min., and (2) when it gets to the "Compare" stage it appears to be running, i.e., the little "gears" are revolving, and cache numbers are being displayed, but the "Completed" numbers remain at zero. After 30 minutes or more I terminate the session.


I'm on a Mac G4/ OS 10.2.6 with 256 MB of memory and 40GB of storage. My internal CD is a Matshita CW-7586. I hope we can solve these problems before I run out of my 30 day trial.

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