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Snap Server drops after scanning.

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I have Snap Server hooked to our network that is having problem when I try to back it up.


I have it where it will automatically mount the drive using a password.


It scans the drive.


Then the drive is disconnected.


Then I get the following error "Trouble reading Files. -53 (volume off-line)"


Retrospect Server is running on a "G3 all in one" under System 9.2.2. The backup is a file on a firewire hard drive. It used to be that I could jump in and go to Chooser and log back on to the Snap Server while the compare was taking place and it would actually back up.


In an effort to make this operation un-manned, I deleted everything Retrospect, reinsatalled Retrospect and wiped the drive clean. Because there is no previous backup to compare to, I can no longer quickly log on to the server anymore. It compares too fast.



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