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Why does retro issue error messages about permissions or busy

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Why does retro issue error messages about permissions or busy or sharing when I have excluded these files from being backed up? It seems such a waste of resources and time to even look at permissions, etc when I don't want them backed up.

It also takes my time to review the errors in case there is a real problem.

Is there any way around this?


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  • 3 weeks later...

If the error is "can't read security information, error -1020 (sharing violation)" on files you've excluded it indicates that the file _permissions_ can't be read, not the files themselves. Your files are not getting backed up.


Permissions are backed up all or none on your entire source via the Microsoft API. If you want NTFS permissions backed up, you will continue to see these errors. The only way around it is to turn off permissions in your backup options.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes they are mainly 1020 errors. But the point is WHY does Retro report these on files that I have listed as EXCLUDED? Retro should just skip these files and not waste its time or mine checking permissions. I then have to check these useless errors?


Am I missing something here??

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In order to back up a restorable registry and filesystem Retrospect has to back up security information about all of the files on the disk. This is regardless of whether you have excluded the files or not. It is a pain but it is the only way to make your system fully restorable in the event of a crash.



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