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5.1 Driver Update Crashes OS X

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When duplicating my internal SCSI drives to external FW drives, I got entire OS crashes in the form of kernel panics or simple complete freezes which usually happen in the comparing stage. Removing the driver update from the Retrospect folder seems to fix the problem. i believe that this is the first (and latest) DRIVER UPDATE Dantz has released. I just wanted to warn others.


I"M RUNNING OS 10.2.6 on a 800 DP G4 with 1.5 GB or RAM.

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Retrospect does not use any special drivers to copy files between hard drives. You can remove the RDU completely and be OK.


That said, The finder is what really does all of the copying between hard drives. Retrospect just tells the finder where to put the files. I suspect you would have similar problems if you try a finder copy of a large number of files between these drives. You will see that the performance will plummet for a moment and then work its way back up again. My best guess is that there are still some firewire buffering issues in OSX.



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The finder is what really does all of the copying between hard drives. Retrospect just tells the finder where to put the files



This can't be true, as I can kill the Finder during a Retrospect Duplicate without any adverse affects. More likely it's the Mac OS filesystem calls that are being used, not the Finder application per se.


>I suspect you would have similar problems if you try a finder copy of a

>large number of files between these drives


Except the problem is being reported during the Compare pass, when no files are being written.


- What sort of SCSI hardware is involved here?




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