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retrospectcdfs clogging system log

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I noticed a couple of days ago that my system log is filling up with hundreds (if not thousands) of log entries that look more or less like this:


Jul 31 08:30:30 adsl-xx-xxx-xx-xx mach_kernel: retrospectcdfs_root; mp 0x357907c

Jul 31 08:30:30 adsl-xx-xxx-xx-xx mach_kernel: retrospectcdfs_pathconf: aname = 4

Jul 31 08:30:30 adsl-xx-xxx-xx-xx mach_kernel: retrospectcdfs_root; mp 0x357907c

Jul 31 08:30:30 adsl-xx-xxx-xx-xx mach_kernel: retrospectcdfs_getattr: entering

Jul 31 08:30:30 adsl-xx-xxx-xx-xx mach_kernel: retrospectcdfs_getattr: exiting

Jul 31 08:30:30 adsl-xx-xxx-xx-xx mach_kernel: retrospectcdfs_root; mp 0x3579394

Jul 31 08:30:30 adsl-xx-xxx-xx-xx mach_kernel: retrospectcdfs_pathconf: aname = 4

Jul 31 08:30:30 adsl-xx-xxx-xx-xx mach_kernel: retrospectcdfs_root; mp 0x3579394

Jul 31 08:30:30 adsl-xx-xxx-xx-xx mach_kernel: retrospectcdfs_getattr: entering

Jul 31 08:30:30 adsl-xx-xxx-xx-xx mach_kernel: retrospectcdfs_getattr: exiting


I'm assuming "retrospectcdfs" stands for "Retrospect CD Filesystem" and has something to do with Retrospect 5.1's ability to allow Retrospect CD/DVD backup set members to be mounted by the filesystem.


Yesterday, my system log (which is normally a few tens of KB long) was something like 26 MB by the end of the day. I also noticed a process called fix_prebind burning through a lot of processor time and slowing down the system significantly. I'm not sure if there's a connection between the two.


Anyone have a clue as to what's going on? I'm running Retrospect 5.1.167 on OS X 10.2.6 on a G4/500 AGP/1280 Meg RAM. There's one client computer that gets backed up to this computer over the network running Retrospect cllient 5.1.109

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