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Backup Failure with 5.6 and Maxtor Ext HDrive

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Wonder if anyone can help - and save what is left of my hair!


I have just purchased a Maxtor 5000DV external hard-drive that comes equipped with Retrospect 5.6. It has a great selling feature - a button on the front of the case that generates a script to run an 'automatic' backup of all your files.


Only it hasn't worked so far! 15+ attempts, re-installs, removal of a variety of software that looks like it might be conflicting, downlaoding the latest drivers and still no joy.


The latest logs give this message...instIniWriteItem: WritePrivateProfileString failed, error 5.


I'm running the ext HD over Firewire - the PC is P4 1.8 Win2K 512 Mb Ram.


Any ideas very gratefully received!

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Setting the one button feature aside for one moment, have you checked out the tutorials on how to duplicate and backup to a hard drive?





Can you also explain what "Not working" means? Better yet please explain what type of backup you would like to perform




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