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Error 1017 - insufficient permissions.


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I have a Dell Network Attached Storage server (as well as other Windows servers that work fine).

There are no user restrictions at all to this server... Anyone who has network access has full access to all volumes on this server.


I have had Dantz Retrospect Backup 6.0 running succesfully for a number of months now, then suddenly with no changes to the network, I get the following error message for volumes on the Network Attached Storage when running a scheduled backup.


Error 1017 - insufficient permissions.


The Scheduled backup will not access any volume on this server.




if I create an immediate backup of this volume, it works fine and does the backup - accessing all files on all volumes!!!


The volumes are selected in the Volumes Database under My Network Places. (This server does not have a Backup Client installed as it is not a Windows Server)


I can browse to all volumes on this server too... Both through Windows Network Neighbourhood, and through the Retrospect Network Browser. Both the NAS server and the Retrospect Server are in the same domain.


Does anyone have any idea of the problem and/or solution???





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Well Amy, I've read everything I can find on this issue, but one thing is for sure, the procedures in those two articles DO NOT WORK!


I have a Win2K box with SP3, upgraded Retrospect Pro to 6.5.319, with a mapped network drive to an NT 4.0 data volume. It WILL NOT execute a backup script unless I'm logged on. (Usually it won't even run unless Retrospect is open, though that 'might' have been only when the "Automatically Launch Retrospect" box was unchecked.


I've tried this with the launcher service set to local system account (default) and to the Domain Admin. account.


I have tried with the Configure > Volumes set to the Domain Admin. username and password.


I can NEVER get the Preferences > Security to take a Log in as a specified user. I get the "The provided login information is invalid" message.


I have purchased this for my own company and for two of my (very unhappy) clients! Why is this such a hard thing to fix??????


Other things I've tried:


Verified the Domain Admin. account was in fact given the log on as a service on the local machine that has Retrospect installed.


Stopped and started services, restarted the computer, stopped and started Retrospect, various times along the way.


Deleted the created volumes and the scripts, and recreated them after the upgrade to .319, etc.


Added the Domain Admin. account to the Win2K box's Users list.


Verified that everything works when logged on and running retrospect.


Tried many user accounts and "log on to" settings for the Preferences > Security settings, including local accounts, and the fqdm format, e.g. \\domain\username.


If you all can't fix this soon, I'm going to be requesting a refund for myself and all of my clients! That would be too bad, because I really like this program.....except for the fact that it will not back up a volume on a mapped drive using a script - a rather large "except for".


One "hint" that I found reading this forum: I did install Retrospect initially as the LOCAL Admin. rather than as the DOMAIN Admin. Is your program caching credentials somewhere or something such that this is an issue?

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Most of the KB stuff is obsolete as it was a workaround prior to RP6.5. It does say that, but doesn't tell you what to do with 6.5. And the docs and KB say almost nothing about using the security tab.


Take a look at the simple info in:




and see if this helps. This was for doing this on Workgroup PCs, but it should might work on Domain PC (using local account or domain controller PC) although I haven't tried the later.

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Thanks for the reply. I'd already read the post you cited and tried those things...no go. Even if I try the local PC I still get an invalid error and it won't store the credentials. Also, I have tried everything with the launcher set to local system.


If someone HAS gotten this to work, please share the details. Since everything works except the script, I suspect there is something going on with the way the script (vs. the run now mode) is handling authentication over the network. That would also point to the failure to authenticate in the preferences > security settings.


Still hoping for help.

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This last suggestion should work. I have had the same problem - very frustrating, but I found that, when I had this same problem:

"I can NEVER get the Preferences > Security to take a Log in as a specified user. I get the "The provided login information is invalid" message", in the Preferences, Security tab,

I had to make sure that I used the "Always run Retrospect as the specified User", and it will only work when I enter the name of the computer, even though I had logged in as Administrator before hand. This solved the permissions problem which did not occur when running backups under the immediate mode, but only occurred when running scheduled backups. The terminology and explanation needs to be improved - after all, why would you think that you had to "Log on to" a computer you had already logged on to.


When it is working, it is obvious, as the computer name appears always after the Retrospect name on top of the menu bar, ie:

[Retrospect (MyComputerName\Administrator) ]

[File Edit Run Window Help ]





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The log on to field is needed to launch Retropsect automatically. You may be logged on to the machine all the time but for Retrospect to have proper access to network resources it has to log on to the local machine as well.


There are reasons for this - specifically security policies in windows. The run as specified user option gets us around these limitations.


Agreed this setting and its meaning is tough to understand at first



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