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OS X 5.1 and 506 error from linux client


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  • 3 months later...


coult said:

Fixed - my linux client has two ethernet interfaces. I explicitly specified the correct address using retroclient -ip #.#.#.# and now all is fine.




I have this same problem and when I issued retroclient -ip #.#.#.# nothing changed and I got the message that retroclient is already running. In fact, I can't use any of the retroclient flags for some reason. I'm running RH 8.0 and if anybody could help me, that would be wonderful.

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I have tried reinstalling the package several times with RPM and the tarball and the results never change.


There was one time when I reinstalled the package from RPM that everything worked fine and the system got backed up. But the next day I had to reboot the Linux box and then Retrospect could no longer connect because of error 506.


There is nothing special about this box.

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The "duplicate activator code" could mean that a peice of the Retrospect client configs are still stuck in your machine. After you Run rpm -e make sure the usr/local/dantz/client directory is empty. Personally I would get rid of /usr/local/dantz as well.


Also make sure to get rid of /var/log/retroclient.state and all the other stuff in that dir.


There may also be some problems in your config files on the backup machine. Try using a new set of Retrospect preferences and see if that helps.



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The linux client may be binding to multiple IP addresses at the same time on the Linux box. This is causing the same client to appear on the network more then once.


You should configure the linux client to bind to a single IP address. the .man pages for the linux client provide details on doing this.

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