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Still no DVD-RAM Backupo with 5.1 - be careful!

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Today I noticed availibility of the 5.1 Update.

....the Readme says: With DVD-RAM support - the fearture may users have waited for.

It should cost me 59.99EUR... hmm... for a bugfix..... well ok, if it works it is worth the money

(form me), so I have brought it a few minutes ago.


First test: DVD-RAM Backup. I own an Panasonic DVD-RAM LF-D521 in a Firewire case.


Well, it says at some point at the backup procedure that my drive isn't configured yet and that

it needs to do that now. Ok - the drive door opens - closes - opens again and Retrospect says:

"Insert a DVD-RW disk for testing." Well, the drive is a dvd-rw drive too, but I want to backup on RVR-RAM. So I insert a DVD-RAM. It tries to initialize the media - and - finally it failed. Cool - good job Dantz!


I think I will block the paymant of the 59.59EUR via my creditcard for the update tomorrow.


From a developers point of fiew (I am a software developer), I don't get the point of this (big?) issue.

Where is the problem to mount a Volume an write to it until the disk is full, eject it, mount the new one

and continue with the backup process??????? I can do a program with Cocoa that does a media-change like that in a hour.



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Agreed... I have been waiting years for the ability to simply read under OS X my Retrospect DVD-RAM backup sets created in OS 9. I wonder if that issue is finally resolved in 5.1.


I'm also a long-time Mac software developer and while I'd be loath to criticise the programmers who have built a generally solid product such as Retrospect, I wish there was clearer communication on irritating issues like this. Even if the answer is, as so often with OS X, "Blame Apple."

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Well, it says at some point at the backup procedure that my drive isn't configured yet and that

it needs to do that now



At what point, exactly, is this happening?


Have you created a Removable Backup Set?


If the program asks you for a DVD-RW, and you feed it a DVD-RAM disk instead, why did you expect it to work?


You could have told Retrospect _not_ to configure your drive for DVD-RW, in which case it would _not_ have prompted you for a DVD-RW disk, and perhaps then you could have continued with the removable media.




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I too am glad for the update (does it work?) to fix the DVD-RAM problem that has been happening for a year.


What I can't believe is that they are charging us for it. I haven't been able to use Retrospect for as long as I can remember. I did ask for as refund back whenever and never got one.


This should be a freebee.

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