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OSX & Windows 2000 Clients

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I have an OSX box (Retrospect v backing up a Dell PowerEdge Sever running Win 2000 and version 5.5 of the Retrospect Client. The throughput of the Dell is about 30MB/MIN!!! Other machines on the network, Windows and Mac alike are in excess of 100MB/MIN.


All clients are running on a 100MBS Ethernet network and are within the same subnet.


Anyone have any ideas??



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Two fairly non-technical suggestions which cover 3/4 of my slow backup troubleshooting:


1) What else is running on the Dell when it is being backed up? Especially, is there a cpu-hungry screen-saver, SETI, etc


2) Check the "priority" of the Retrospect client on the Dell. An easy way to see this is on the server go into the Configure Clients, and do a Get Info on the client. It is also in the preferences in the client, which is where you can change the setting. If you are backing up overnight then it should be set to 100%. If you are backing up when the computer is in use, then a lower setting might be better.

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