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Can Retrospect Workgroup work with Airport?

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Can Retrospect Workgroup work with an Airport network other than by doing complex settings with ports? After all, Airport is common place in the world of Macintosh computing. Couldn't Dantz make their software compatible with Airport? I can ping any computer on my Airport network, share the files and probably also make them sing together... but Retrospect, this technological wonder, cannot see its clients. Amazing and frustrating!


My configuration is very basic: three computers with Mac OS 10.2.6 networked through an Airport Extreme base station. The backup computer, an iMac with Retrospect Workgroup 5.0.238 (the most recent version), cannot "see" the two clients, another iMac as well as an iBook with Retrospect Client 5.0.540 (the most recent version).


Is there a simple solution? I do not understand any of this port 497 business which I have seen in other threads.

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En réponse à:

Mayoff said:

Please see the following in our Knowlegebase:




1) The first workaround described in this article does not work.


2) The second workaround describes exactly my configuration. All of my computers, including the backup computer, get their addresses wirelessly from the NAT and are in the same group. And this workaround does not work neither.


3) Anyway, what use would it be to be able to backup one computer only? I did not spend money on Retrospect Workgroup to backup one computer.

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Yes, it works fine with airport.


The usual problem in OSX, is having network set to Automatic on the main machine. For some reason (beyond me) it doesn't like it. You cannot have Ethernet & Airport set at the same time inn Network. Airport & Modem are fine though, just switch the Ethernet port off, in the Network settings (system prefs).


Try this first. Let me know if it doesn't work, and I'll have a poke around my system to see what's what.


Clients can have the auto setting on, without any problem BTW.


Regards Paul

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The second workaround describes exactly my configuration







No, it doesn't, if what you wrote above is accurate:




"My configuration is very basic: three computers with Mac OS 10.2.6 networked through an Airport Extreme base station. "




This sounds as if all three computers are getting their AP addresses from the same DHCP server (the AirPort Base Station), and are on the same subnet. The tech note referenced above implies the machine running Retrospect is on a different subnet then the clients (thus the need for port mapping).




If your configuration is indeed basic, if each of the three OS X machines are using AirPort for networking, and there is no ethernet among them, then Retrospect should see the clients.




Try re-arranging the Network preference pane to put AirPort at the top of the list of available network ports (just drag and drop). Or uncheck all but AirPort, to be sure that the Clients aren't binding to a network address you're not using.

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