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Maxtor 5000DV


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I'm running Retrospective 6.5 on an XP Pro machine and have purchased a Maxtor 5000DV drive. The drive comes with the Express version of Retrospective. I'm assuming I shouldn't load the Express version..right? How should I configure 6.5 to use the one touch feature of the Maxtor? The Maxtor would be the primary backup media for the system.

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I have two 5000LE drives.


I installed the Retrospect Express that shipped with the drive in one Win 2000 partition, and Retrospect Pro in my main Win 2000 partition. I do not keep bot hdrives connected, or plugged in, at the same time.


As far as I can tell, the one touch button is not very useful as it appears to only copy a full drive at a time, only in Duplicate mode, which does not include the registry.


I set up a script for each backup set and I just select the script from the Run menu, depending on which USB drive is connected and which computer I wish to backup.


Maxtor/Dantz could implement the one touch button to display the equivalent of the Run menu, perhaps allowing a default to be chosen. In my opinion, the one touch button is not so useful, especially as currently implemented.

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