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How can I describe better a snaphot?


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Hello togehter,

sotty for my bad englsich:-) but it does'nt a german forum.

My question:

I want tot describe a snapshot for myself...f.e " backup after installed a new programm" etc.

But I don't see the possibilty to make this.

Retrospect make a backup with a snapshot only with the date, and what is saved.

Any idea?


btw: it seems that my new retrospect 6.5 is niót so fats as V 6.0

And it doesn't automaticall minimize the windows when I start m< backup Up script.



Wolfgang from Cologne :-)

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wokoenig said:

Retrospect make a backup with a snapshot only with the date, and what is saved.

Any idea?




Retrospect does not automatically create a backup when programs are installed. You can manually backup through Immediate Backup or run your script from the Run menu.


I'm not sure if this answers your question or not - feel free to post again.

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hi Amy

thx for your answer, but I mean another thing:

When I make a backup of my system, I will have the possibilty to better describe the "snapshot": not only the date of the backup etc, i will write f.e : "Backup after installed this..or..this programm".

Its better to know what I have done befor the backUp.

Do you know now what I mean?

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I think I understand...


To see what is going to be backed up, go to Backup > Backup which will bring you to an Immediate Backup window. Choose your source and your destination. Click on Preview. A browser window will be generated. Any files (don't worry about folders) with a diamond next to the name will not be backed up because they _have not_ changed. Any files without a diamond are either new or changed and will be backed up. This is the only way to see which files are selected for backup before performing the actual operation.


Each time you execute a backup, a Snapshot is created. Each snapshot will be dated with the time of the backup. You can restore from any historical snapshot. For example, if you do a backup Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday you can restore files from any of those days.

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One more thing: Each backup is a "session." To see the actual copied files from each session, go to Reports > Session Contents and browse sessions in your backup sets. This will show you the new and changed files from each backup you've already completed.

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Jello AmyJ,

thx for your patience with me <s>.

What you are saying is wellknown for me.

I mean:

I will give a snapshot an individuell name with a description before the backup.

Normally I see a lot of snapshot to choose for a restore only with date etc.

But days, weeks or month later I don't know more what I have installed/deinstalled or other

events happend before the backup.

I know that I can show me the backup files with their contents. But its not so easy always to see what was happend.

It seems that an individuell descripton for each snaphot is easier and better.

I have other backup tools where I can give individuell names for each backup/snaphot.

I love Retrospect, but this feature I miss.


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This should answer your question. Retrospect does not have means to add a description to a backup session or even to a backup set.


You can create several backup sets and name each one in a way to satisfy your need to identify that particular set, but you will be limited to the number of characters that you can use in a backup set name. But I am afraid that if you do that, pretty soon you would have a mess on your hands.


Other than that you can use a Notepad file (or Wordpad, or Word, or any other software that you like for keeping notes) to track your backup sets or the backup sessions in one particular backup set.


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