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Incremental Backup on 6.0 Multiserver for Windows.

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We currently have two Easy Scripts, one for daily backups and one for weekly backups. The combined amount of data that we back up from 3 servers is about 35 Gigs. We have separate back-up sets comprsing of single 50 Gigs member tape for each backup (Monday B, Teusday B etc.). Currently, we're running normal daily backups on M, T, TH, F and a normal weekly back-up on Wednesday. We re-use the daily tapes, come next week by erasing all data and doing a new backup. Currently it is taking about 10-11 hours to do daily backup, what we'd like make sure is that we're doing an incremental back-up rather than a complete back-up to reduce the amount of time used in backup since the actual data changed on the servers is less then a Gig (combined) on all servers.


Could you please suggest a strategy and what would be a current sequence of actions to accomplish incremental rather than complete backup of our data.




Gaurav Jain

KMC Inc. computer.gif

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Platform independent, here's the math:

MB/sec X Hours X 60 = MB to back up


We expect the AIT-1 or AIT-2 to have a back up speed of 100-200MB/min.

We know from you that files total 35GB and it takes 11 hours.


So solving for speed we get:

MB/sec= hoursx60/MB

11x60/35000= 0.018MB/min (!)


My point is to tell you that you have a serious problem with your system, not to teach you algebra. Do the math to find out what it should take. I use AIT and have proper results. Your Log should also confirm these figures. I think you ought to fix the problem.


Secondly, to do incremental just change the backup from Full to Normal.


Good Luck!

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