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Do all IDE devices have to be on the same controller?


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WinXP Pro, Retrospect Pro .316, latest drivers, two hard drives on a PCI ATA133 controller (no problems), CD-RW and DVD+RW on the motherboard controller (Intel D845BG). Retrospect does not see either CDFS device. I just upgraded the hard drives and the ATA133 controller. Before that all drives were on EIDE 1 and 2 on the motherboard and all devices were detected by Retrospect. Now only the devices connected to the new PCI controller are detected. Does retrospect ignore the devices connected to the motherboard controller once the PCI controller is detected at boot?

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ASPI. I was hoping to leave the second channel on the ATA133 controller open for further HD expansion, not that I plan to do so soon, and keep the CDFS devices on the ATA100 controller on the motherboard. By the way, the DVD is a Sony DRU120A and worked fine before my upgrades.




As an additional note: Everything does work fine when the DVD is connected to the ATA133 controller along with the hard drives. I get a 'media error' from the bios on boot, but I assume that just means that the bios did not find any devices connected to the motherboard controller.




My Win98SE based computer does not require the CDFS drives to be on the same controller as the hard drives in order to recognize and configure the CDFS drives.

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