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3.5 Updater makes my RE 5.0 crash ?!?

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So here's a wierd one...


I'm running system 10.2.5 on a Titanium Powerbook with a Panasonic UJ-815 (Superdrive) and Express 5.0. I just downloaded and installed the v3.5 driver update and it crashes Retrospect! Eh? If I pull the driver out of the application folder, Retrospect fires up again, just fine but still won't recognize the drive. As soon as I reinstall the new driver, CRASH!


Any ideas?

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Ha! It works!


Soooo... Here's what I figured out:


If you install an older version of RE 5.0 (I had 5.0.1x from Norton SystemWorks) and try installing the new driver, you're screwed. It's gonna crash every time.


Install the 5.0.238 version from the downloads page, delete the older driver update (3.1.x) and drop the new 3.5 driver in its place. Works like a champ.



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