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Trying to RESTORE, contents have become huge

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Doing what I've done many times before, but having a problem. This is on a beige Mac G3 on Mac OS 9.1, using DLT4000 drive (APS) and Retrospect 4.3 with ADK (Advanced Driver Kit, for DLT) v 2.0.104 . Inside this Mac are two drives... the one in question is 9GB and was backed up this morning. I reformatted to 6GB and 3GB (two partitions) and named the 6GB volume as the original 9GB had been, then went to Retrospect to restore the complete drive as I've done many times. Whereas there was about 4.5GB of data on the drive before the backup, upon trying to restore it says there's 13.9GB and that of course it won't fit. HELP PLEASE! Thanks.

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