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Application Monitoring

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I have a central server setup to monitor all the other servers we have (running Netsaint).

I installed the client on our Retro 6 Multi-Server and that all works great.


I wanted to minitor the Retrospect process, so when the application died I could go check on it and fix problems, restart etc.

The problem is, when Retrospect stops with an Assert.exe error (which is what happens 99% of the time it fails) it sit's there and waits for someone to hit OK. Netsaint is useless because the process doesn't stop untill someone hit's OK. Retrospect Event handler (as far as I know, maybe I'm wrong) is useless because it isn't executed when an assert failure happens.

So I'm stuck. Is there any way to minitor what Retrospect is doing remotely?

It's a headless server so I can't just go check on it. It's competely automated so I don't have to interact with it during normal operations. The log is stored on a seperate server so I don't have to login to check that, and assert failures are not logged in the normal retro log.

Everything is running great, except when it dies w/ an Assert failure. The only place this seems to be logged is in the system Event Log (besides the assert log itself).


Anyone have any tips or some way of monitoring for assert failures?

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Everything is running great, except when it dies w/ an Assert failure. The only place this seems to be logged is in the system Event Log (besides the assert log itself).



The better way to approach this is to troubleshoot the assert errors. A healthy, functioning system should not be asserting regularly. Please see the following link outlining assert errors and troubleshooting:



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It isn't a regular occurance. Lately it's happened at very inconvenient times (like friday after work, no backup over the weekend).

If it happened all the time I'd troubleshoot it. Even if it did happen all the time I still need to know when it does happen.

It is not one of the specific errors in your knowledge base.

"The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142)" is the exact error I get every time.


I still need to know when it goes down whether it's a cronic problem or not.

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