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Looking for a recommendation

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Our agency currently has Retrospect 4.3 running on an old G3 (OS 9x) which backs up about 30 OS 9x users, a large file server and several remote PCs. Our tape drive is undependable and may have even died. I'm looking to make some changes, but there are so many options. I'm thinking I may switch our backup computer to a Powerbook because its sitting around and it has a firewire port. I'm through with tapes, is a firewire hard drive the answer? Our file server alone is 145 gig, so we're most likely talking about over 200 gig to back up every night. I'm open to pretty much anything, upgrades to Retrospect, OSX if it will allow the users to be both OSX and OS 9 users, hard drives, you name it. I just don't know enough about the backup process to make a decision at this point. Any help would be appreciated greatly.

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