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Support for NEC ND-1100A DVD+R/+RW Burner ?

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Is this drive (NEC ND-1100A, a DVD+R/+RW Burner) supported, or planned to support?

This Burner is very cheap today (under 200 Euro, supports 4xDVD+R), and has Toast-Support.


I hope this! I have this Burner with Firewire Interface and it would be great when i could use it for backup with Retrospect.


Best regards, Steppentier


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This drive is not yet supported for use with Retrospect. For a list of currently qualified devices, please see:


Hardware Search Engine


Our next release for the Macintosh will dramatically change the way we write to CD and DVD devices, and allow us to support new drives along with many previously unsupported drives. There is currently no ETA for the next release.


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