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Retrospect media request timed out

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I have set a script to backup six machines one night and then six machines the next night, its been backed up to a snap server. One of the scripts run every time with no problems and the other keeps giving me an error “Retrospect media request timed out” But if I run it myself it will go through without that error messages appearing.



Thanks David


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Retrospect media request timed out



You have Retrospect set to time out if the correct media is not found. This option is found under Configure > Preferences > Request.



But if I run it myself it will go through without that error messages appearing.



What kind of backup are you running? Normal? Recycle? When you run it yourself, do you have to erase the tape manually?


Try setting a script to run a few minutes in the future - watch to see which tape Retrospect is asking for, and make sure that exact tape is in the drive. If you are doing a recycle backup, the tape must have the same name and the same creation date/time as the tape Retrospect is trying to erase/recycle.

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