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Catalog Strategy, Take 2

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Can't get through to Tech Support on the phone, static or fast busy, and my first post and initial conversation with Dantz indicate I need to forego having my catalog written directly to Zip.


I have moved my catalog to the hard drive and want to write a script to duplicate the catalog to Zip every night after backup is completed.


I have always found the selection process on Retrospect more difficult than simply selecting the path of the desired items via browse and now I really want to avoid the name guessing game and just select the catalog on my hard drive for duplication in the script.


How do you just select a single file for duplication rather than playing the naming game in the Selecting section?

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Sorry about the phones. The phone company is having a problem with the lines. Keep trying, it should be fixed soon.


You can use a "hot items" selector in your script to only look for items with a hot label. Mac OS X users can get free 3rd party shareware to bring back labels.


We also have a Retrospect Files selector that will only copy Retrospect created files (like the prefs or catalog).

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It doesn't. If you are doing an "immediate" you can select individual files. With a script, you must use a selector. The "hot items" selector is easy to use and will allow for a backup of just that item.


You can also just write a simple selector based on the file name. It would only be a 1 line selector.

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