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Verify Compressed Catalog

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Since upgrading to v5 of Server under OS 9, my catalog size seems to have ballooned. I currently keep nightly catalogs on a 100mb Zip that corresponds with that night's DDS-4 tape that I put off site.


I started receiving -34 errors because the catalog is 90+mb so I decided to tell the set to compress the catalog. When selecting the compression checkbox, Retrospect attempts to compress the current catalog and fails, probably because of lack of overhead on the Zip.


Tech Support advised that while the immediate compression failed, since I do a full backup every night, the new catalog should be compressed. Friday was the first night with a supposed compressed catalog, but it is still 90+mb and I am still getting -34 errors.


I suspect the catalog is not compressed and would like to know if there is way to verify that and better still how to make sure compression does occurs so I can backup the rest of the clients that are currently not being backed up?

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When you create the backup set, you should go to Configure>Backup Sets and turn on catalog compression. It is only on by default for File Backup sets.


Why are you saving the catalog file to a Zip disk and not to the local hard disk? We do not see this strategy very often due to reliability and size issues of zip disks.

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The backup set is already created and I attempted to turn it on after the set has been in use for about a year now.


We use the Zip scenario because I inherited it and we like it. However, it is becoming increasingly obvious we will need to abandon it, UNLESS, Retrospect will compress my catalog as I asked.


Again, can anyone tell me how to make sure the catalog is compressed? I have the selection selected, but it doesn't appear to be working.


Perhaps, if I delete the existing catalog and let a new one be created??

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