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setting scripts to backup different folders if OS 9 or X

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We have a 50:50 spilt of clients running OS 9 and OS X. I would like a simple way to have the backup script backup up just the Users folder if the client is on OS X but backup more if the client is OS 9. Is there any way to do this other than put clients into source groups based on OS?





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There's not a really simple way. In order to accomplish this, you'd need to make selectors which outline the various criteria you're looking for. There are no selector criteria which look at the OS, but you could use one that looks at client names. By putting a 9 or an X in front of the various client names, you could make a selector that goes something like this:




Client name does start with X

and folder name does match Users




Client name does start with 9

and .... <OS 9 criteria>


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