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Retrospect Client and Kodak Digital Camera problem

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We have encounter a compatibility problem between Retrospect and the Kodak software. The Kodak digital camera software will not work when the Retrospect client is installed on the machine but as soon as we uninstall Retrospect the Kodak software works perfectly. We have repeated this combination problem over and over.


Are other people having this problem and does anyone know a fix or patch to fix the problem?

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The Kodak digital camera shows up as a drive letter (F:) in My Computer.

Without Retrospect installed, you can click on the drive and see all the pictures stored in the camera.

With Retrospect installed, when you click on the drive it says it's not formatted and ask if you want to format the drive. Now we tried saying yes to format but it comes back and say it can't format it. Uninstall Retrospect and everythings fine.


We are using Retrospect 6.0 with the latest client driver.

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With Retrospect installed, when you click on the drive it says it's not formatted and ask if you want to format the drive.



You get this message in Windows Explorer when the Retrospect Client is installed? If not, how do you reproduce this message?


If this is Windows NT or Windows 2000, do a find on your computer for roff.sys and delete it. Does this resolve the issue?


Do you have the Retrospect Client and the Retrospect application on this machine or just the client?

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