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Moving from Win98 to WinXP


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I'm getting a new computer, with Windows XP. So, I am going to re-install my Retrospect Pro 6 onto the new computer. The old one uses Win 98. (I no longer need Retrospect on the old computer.)


(1) Is it totally compatible? Anything I need to know special about Retrospect on XP?


(2) I want to copy all of my backup scripts to the new computer. Is it as simple as moving a file? Which file?


Thank you! Art Lieberman


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Copy the config60 and config60.bak files on the old machine:


C:\Program Files\Dantz\Retrospect


to the new machine after installing Retrospect:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect

This is a hidden directory - if you can't find it, configure the computer to show hidden files and folders.


Copy your backup set catalogs to the new computer. After copying them, open each catalog individually to ensure that Retrospect is aware of their new location.


You may have to edit any scripts that backed up local hard drives - remove the old drives and add the new.

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