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Change Catalog Files Directory

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Does Retrospect allow you to compress the catalog files or change the directory and volume where they are being stored currently. Currently it is storing all the catalog file in the administrator's personal directory and on the volume that is pretty much out of disk space... can we change it.


What is the procedure...




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Copy the catalog file to the new location and double click on the catalog. This will help Retrospect find the new location.


Catalog compression is found under configure>backupsets>properties. In this Window you will find an option to keep the catalog compressed.

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After the procedure can I delete the catalog files in the previous location, will Retrospect recognize the new location from this point forward. Also, what about recreating the catalogs from the tapes and storing them in new location instead of copying and pasting. Which one is a recommended way...


Thanks for your help !!!

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Yes, after moving the catalog, you can delete the original. After double clicking, Retrospect will recognize the new location.


I don't see a reason to rebuild the catalog file to a new location, that is more work then necessary. The Retrospect User's Guide and Knowledgebase have information on "moving Retrospect" which might be helpful.

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