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Maxtor OneTouch and Retrospect Desktop

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We just got a Maxtor 5000XT external hard drive -- it's one of the ones with the OneTouch button. It comes with Retrospect Express, but we'd like to use it with the copy of Retrospect Desktop which we already have. I already know how to store backup sets on it, but the final challenge is the OneTouch button. Do you know any way to trick the button into launching Retrospect Desktop instead of Retrospect Express? I'm not against hackish solutions if that's what it takes. My boss wants it to Just Work.






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I found a solution.


After installing everything (in my case, this included the copy of Retrospect Express that we didn't need), trash the "Retrospect Express 5.0" folder from /Applications. Then hit the OneTouch button on the drive, and it will launch your usual Retrospect -- in our case, Retrospect Desktop. Use the wizard to create a "Maxtor OneTouch" script. Then delete it, and make your own with the same name. Viola! The OneTouch button launches your favorite version of Retrospect with the script you created.


I did this all on a test machine. When I install on the machine we plan to use as the backup machine for the long term, I'll see if I can get away with not even installing Retrospect Express in the first place.






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The setup:


Maxtor 5000 XT OneTouch hard drive (connected via FireWire)

Included Maxtor Software CD is P/N 20217100

500 MHz Dual-G4 tower mac

MacOS X 10.2.4

Retrospect Desktop 5.0.238 already installed


The steps:


1) From the Maxtor software CD, install the "Maxtor 5000 Update.pkg" located in the "Macintosh Updates" folder. A restart will be required.

2) Connect the drive and initialize it.

3) Install Retrospect Express from the Maxtor CD. This seems to be necessary in order to get the proper support fils installed for OneTouch.

3) Trash the "Retrospect Express 5.0" folder installed in /Applications.

4) Launch Retrospect Desktop the normal way.

5) Create a script called "Maxtor OneTouch". It doesn't matter what it does.

6) Quit Retrospect Desktop

7) Press the OneTouch button. Retrospect will launch and run the "Maxtor OneTouch" script.






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  • 9 months later...

Sounds good, but I can't get it to work for me. I'm running Panther (10.3.2), which might be the problem??


Installed Retrospect v5.1.175. Works fine with Maxtor 5000DV.


Installed Retrospect Express from Maxtor CD, restarted, then trashed Retrospect Express Folder. Created "Maxtor OneTouch" Script.


Pushing one-touch button doesn't do anything! Checked Activity Monitor and there is a process "RetroRun" active, but can't get button to do anything!



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