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error 102

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I have just received the error 102 error while trying to restore from a particular tape. This archive set is used to restore from on a regular basis and I can restore from other tapes in the set just fine. As far as I know I have been able to restore from this tape in the past just fine.


Do I have to try to rebuild this archive? Or try to add this tape back in? Or what.....???



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The error is being generate by the tape drive indicating that it is having difficulty communicating with the computer. If this is the only tape from which you see this error, and the tape has been used multiple times in the past, it's very possible that the tape is wearing out.


Without knowing what type of tape drive/interface, it is difficult to suggest relevant troubleshooting. Check out the Knowledgebase for hardware troubleshooting:




This is for SCSI, USB and Firewire:




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