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Since Upgrade - Freezing while backing up particular windows 2000 server

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Since upgrading to version 6 multiserver, we have pretty consistently been having troubles backing up our windows 2000 interal web server. It seems to freeze on scanning either the c: or f: drive of the server. You have to manually end the job, and of course all other jobs scheduled after that one are now running late. I have tried reinstalling the client on the web server, with no change in result. Our other network backed up windows 2000 servers are work fine. I have also noticed that usually the problem occurs during a recycle job, and not during normal jobs.




The web server (and our other servers) are backed up over the network to a windows 2000 striped ide disk set in the retrospect server. The web server volumes and also the retrospect server volumes are all ntfs. Any help to remedy and/or troubleshoot this situation would be appreciated. I would say it happens 3 out of 4 times on a recycle backup job from the web server.

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