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Retrospect 8 with Removable HD

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Having just configured and started using Retrospect 8, I have a question about using external disks as backup destinations. We use 2 robust G-Drive Mini drives as backup destinations on a daily rotation for off-site security. Mounting these over FireWire 800 (for speed) works well and is fast enough. However, as we have to unmount them from our server after each successful backup, Retrospect seems to forget about them, and the scripts I have set-up lose reference to them as a usable media set. Also the schedule seems to get forgotten too? I have to then re-setup the scripts each time. What am I doing wrong, or is there a way around this? Thanks.

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What am I doing wrong


Impossible to say, as it's unclear what exactly you are doing.


We use 2 robust G-Drive Mini drives as backup destinations


Externally mounted volumes can be used two ways; as the location where you store a File Media Set or as a Member of a Disk Media Set.

- What Type of Media Set are you using?


the scripts I have set-up lose reference to them as a usable media set


A Media Set consists of a Catalog file [color:purple]plus[/color] that set's Members; Members do not need to be online for Retrospect to have access to a Catalog, so it's unclear what you mean by the above.


Please provide significantly more detail in your report, starting (always) with the version of Retrospect being used, the computer hardware, the OS versions, and the way you have configured Retrospect. Perhaps someone might come up with a reason for the behavior you are seeing.




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