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Unable to run Retrospect 7.7 in Windows 7


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I am running a dual boot system with XP and Win7 (until recently, XP and 2000).


I am having no problems running in XP, but what ever I try, I cannot run in Win7 (Professional, 32 bit).


Every time I try, I am told

"Retrospect is locked. Only a member of the administrator's group can unlock and use Retrospect".


The problem with that advice is that I AM a member of the Administrator's group.


If I then enter my user name (3 characters) and password (4 digits), I am then advised

"Sorry, that user name or password does not correspond to an administrator account. Please try again".


Opening mmc, and looking at the listing of the Administrator's group, I see two entries - my own username and Administrator.


If I enter "Administrator" and the appropriate password, I am still told "Sorry, that user.......".


I have set all 16 executables in the Retrospect program folder to Windows XP SP3 compatability (where available) and "Run as Administrator".


Unfortunately, my computer does not have the necessary hardware to run Windows XP Mode.


Can some knowledgeable person please help me out?




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