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Can't Recatalog, Repair, Etc.

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So, among the list of other things, I can't recatalog anything, I get the following:


+ Executing Recatalog at 5/20/2010 5:14 PM (Execution unit 1)

To Media Set Media Set Tuesday...

lmNeeded: memory pool missing, needed = 208, nsp->start = -1543307264, nsp->end = -458293248, nsp->count = -738197504, nsp->flags = 0x4000000


!Not enough application memory

5/20/2010 5:18:09 PM: Execution incomplete

Duration: 00:03:31 (00:03:14 idle/loading/preparing)



Really? 4 GB Ram isn't enough? I don't feel like I'm doing anything different than anyone would do with this, just backup to tape....

Is there something I need to do to assign the memory? I thought that went away with OS9....


Thanks....sorry for the rant, just frustrated that I've been working on this for weeks and can't get it to work....any help or advice is appreciated.

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