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Hey, let's not kick the dog. We should all applaud that EMC software release procedures may be headed in the right direction. Someone at EMC had the courage to insist that this release be done right. People are working hard. Let's cut them some slack.


And I agree with Steve Maser. I don't know about the rest of you, but it's a significant chunk of my time to shake out a major piece of software like this prior to putting it into production, doing regression tests, etc., to ensure reliability. I'd rather not waste my time, and I don't care if it "crashes fast".



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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, I switched to Snow Leopard due to other issues, so I could try RS 8.2 out.

Now it runs (I guess), but again, after starting, I don't see any activities. This was one of the big problems. When I start the console, I'd like to see immediately, what is happening. The engine is working, I see that from the process manager (or how it's called).

I really wonder if you don't have this problem :-/

Mac Pro, 10.6.3.

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Hey, I don't believe it! It's gotten WORSE!


When I NOW launch a VPN connection, then RS 8.2 it waiiits and waiiits and waiiits (what the ... does it?! mdnsresponder connects, nothing more), until the VPN connection closes. 8.1 managed to connect to the share, when the script was chosen.


I really start to HATE this app! :-(((


I guess I'm going back to 8.1.

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Okay ... I have to recall that!


This time it was not Retrospect's fault, it seems. Due to my switch to 10.6, SMB, VPN etc. was a big hassle. It seems (?) now one has to mount the share manually, then it works. I haven't found out yet. But now there is something with netbios that hadn't been relevant before.


Sorry for my snatch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well ... as I've written in an other topic ...


RS8.2 STILL tries to connect, to connect, to connect and to connect (or: to resolve, to resolve, to resolve, to resolve ...) – but one cannot see to WHAT.


It's still the problem with shares, smb, afp and so on, wich are unreachable when RS starts (when one starts the GUI, let's say so).


8.2 is even worse than 8.1 in this issue.


And I'm on a Mac Pro, 10.6.4. So this machine is not really wimpy, I guess.


But this hanging kills. One cannot backup quickly via a VPN tunnel to a SMB-Share. It's simply not possible. One can mount this share, one can ignore ist ... the same. RS waiiiits and waiiiits and waiiiiiiiits. LittleSnitch shows, that there is hectic action in the background. But what? Who? Why?


I really don't get it!

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Well, new Beta 2 and it STIIIILLLL waits and waits. Dudes, is it SO impossible to create a software that COMES when called? It takes about six minutes until the console shows activities! On a Mac Pro.


Here is another small issue from the machine's console:


30.06.10 08:54:23 Retrospect[2558] Warning - unable to find template matching predicate activityType CONTAINS[cd] "Proaktiv"



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Sometimes we have to take a step back and see if it is our own configuration that may be causing some of the issues (not saying in your case it is).


So you know it is not across the board:

I have been running Beta with no issues, though my backup demands are minimal.


X-Server 8 cores

12GB ram

backing up 300GB data to

1 TB NAS device across segregated lan.


Retro Version 8.2.0 (328)


Is this the same version of Beta you are running?




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Well, I just started the RS console, let's see, how long it will take, until I can see any activities ...

Machine fresh started, one external harddisc is on (for RS), no SMB-shares available.

It took ... only three minutes today! Wow.


I use 8.2.0 (377). Mac OS 10.6.4, Mac Pro Dual 2,66, 6 GB RAM.

Edited by Guest
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If you have active activities running (or proactive scripts active, but not necessarily backing things up), it takes the Console a while to refresh things. I frequently see the console take a minute or two to populate when I launch it -- but I have 8 proactive scripts active 24/7.



This has happened with every version of Retrospect I'm aware of -- the thread for the console update has to sneak in around the other running activities. It appears not to be given a higher priority than running activities.


Whether it should or not -- I don't know.

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This is not acceptable.

Yes, here are 24/7 proactives working, too. But the problem seems to me unaccessible SMB and/or AFP shares.

With this behaviour one cannot "qickly" backup something inducing a manual script. Because after starting the console one has to wait three to six minutes until something shows up and happens. Ehm, in times of 64-Bit OS, multithreading and CPU bolides?! My Atari was faster, decades ago.

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This is not acceptable.

Yes, here are 24/7 proactives working, too. But the problem seems to me unaccessible SMB and/or AFP shares.

With this behaviour one cannot "qickly" backup something inducing a manual script. Because after starting the console one has to wait three to six minutes until something shows up and happens. Ehm, in times of 64-Bit OS, multithreading and CPU bolides?! My Atari was faster, decades ago.



Possibly. I don't do any testing backing up "shares" -- I only backup clients (or files on the local engine machine).

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