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DVD visible but blanks aren't Seen

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I'm old to Retrospect, but new Retrospect 8 which is quite different than previous versions. I believe I have setup a backup to DVD properly. It starts running and then fails when it hits the part where you put in a DVD.


My DVD drive inside my machine is listed as this:



Under summary for this drive it breaks it down as such:

Type: Optical

Vendor: HL-DT-ST

Product: DVD-RW GH41N


If I put in a blank DVD, my machine pops up a window saying:


"You inserted a blank DVD. Choose and action from the dropdown menu or hit ignore"


I've chosen Retrospect and tried ignore, neither makes the DVD burn.


I am running Retrospect 8.1(build 626) on Mac OS 10.6.3



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  • 2 weeks later...

Tried the steps in there. I located the "retro.ini" file and opened it in TextEdit, but there was no "DisableOpticalDrivers" setting in there to change.


I also ran the CD Configuration, which was successful. It burned a bit of a DVD as a test.


However, when I go to run a real backup it will not recognize my DVD drive.


I have to say I am extremely unhappy with this. I have been using Retrospect in its previous form for many, many, years. I bought this upgrade to run on my new MacPro and so far, I haven't been able to backup diddly.


When will they release an upgrade that will allow me to backup to DVD?


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Tried the steps in there. I located the "retro.ini" file and opened it in TextEdit, but there was no "DisableOpticalDrivers" setting in there to change.

Are you SURE that you opened the bundle's package file to find this, rather than looking at some other "retro.ini" file? Check your path again:

/Library/Application Support/Retrospect/RetrospectEngine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/retro.ini


When will they release an upgrade that will allow me to backup to DVD?

You will have to ask EMC Support about that. These are user-to-user forums, and I have no inside information.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I cannot follow the directions in

this help article because RetrospectEngine.bundle is a file of some sort and cannot be opened to access the /Contents/MacOS/retro.ini using TextEdit.


There is a retro.ini in the Retrospect folder. When I open it using TextEdit this is what I see which is different than the directions:







Ignore1="DELL VCD"



I really need to get a solid backup going to DVD. I think it is ridiculous that a "new" version of Retrospect cannot, out of the box, backup to DVDs when previous versions could. Perhaps Roxio buying them will mean significant improvements.



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I cannot follow the directions in

this help article because RetrospectEngine.bundle is a file of some sort and cannot be opened to access the /Contents/MacOS/retro.ini using TextEdit.

I believe that if you hold down the "control" key (or right click, if you have a two-button mouse) while clicking on the RetrospectEngine bundle you get a Finder option to "show package contents".


Then follow the instructions in the Knowledge Base article.



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