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Another user with "client not found" issues

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For weeks, Retro Server 8.0 then 8.1 (6.2.6) couldn't find the one Retro Client computer on a simple home network.


Then all was good for weeks.


Then again back to Server not finding Client for weeks.


Now, inexplicably, Server finds Client again.




I had thought that making sure that the client computer disk was open in a window on the server via Apple file-sharing, helped Retrospect Server see the client. But I now realize that makes no difference. The disks on the client computer can be open in windows on the server computer and Retro Server still can't find Retro Client on the client computer.


Now I suspect it is random whether Retrospect client and server can connect over network, sometimes restarting client and/or server computers may or may not help. Once the problem was happening, or had stopped happening, that state would exist for many many days.


I have tried the computers both connected to the same d-link switch, and I have tried them connected to the same SMC Barricade wired router. Either connection produced similar random results.


The Retrospect Server computer is a Mac Mini late 2009 running now Snow Leopard 10.6.3. and Retro Server 8.1 (6.2.6)


The Retrospect Client computer is an iBook G4 running Leopard 10.5.8 and Retro Client 6.3.027


As mentioned above, I had thought I had resolved the problem, but now see it was not really fixed at all, I had only assigned a superstitious belief to a temporary respite.


I know I am not suffering alone with this issue, and would really like to know how to resolve it for real.





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I find the Apple system updates and security updates seem to affect the reliability of the Retrospect client...


When a new Security update comes out from Apple, I expect to find problems with the Retro clients, so I keep an extra eye-out.


Just my 5c worth...




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Can I hear from support staff on this?


This web Forum is not EMC technical support, it is an end user-to-end user community gathering space, where those of who use Retrospect can help each other to make the most of the software.


You can call tech support directly; as I understand it there is no charge for Retrospect 8 support at this time.


But no matter with whom you communicate, it's going to be up to you to provide significantly more information then you've provided so far. Reading your Original Post I have no idea:


- How the clients were added

- What the Status of the Client software was when the Engine lost contact

- What exactly "Retro Server still can't find Retro Client" means. Where do you look? What do you try?

- What conditions changed between "can't find" and "finds" (Was the client machine restarted? Was the retroclient process restarted?)


There are known communication issues still w/Retrospect 8.1.x, which are hopefully going to be addressed by the first 8.2 build expected to drop this week. Try and hang tight until you get the chance to try the new version.




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