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Not Enough Application Memory

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Hi Folks...


I've been trying to get my Mac Backup Server going with a Tandberg Autoloader and am having problems backing up to tape. It keeps getting halfway through and giving me the following error:



!Not enough application memory

!/&OK//&Stop///!Catalog File out of sync with Media Set "Media Set Weekend".

To repair it, use Tools>Repair Catalog>Update existing Catalog File.


!Catalog File out of sync with Media Set "Media Set Weekend".

To repair it, use Tools>Repair Catalog>Update existing Catalog File.

5/2/2010 11:02:54 PM: Execution incomplete

Remaining: 227 files, 87.8 GB

Completed: 0 files, zero KB

Performance: 0.0 MB/minute

Duration: 00:02:54 (00:00:05 idle/loading/preparing)


I can't find the "tools -> repair" it references, but I can go to media sets and try to repair. When I do a repair on the media set, it fails with the same memory error. If I try to do a rebuild, when I asks my what folder to put the new catalog in, it never lets me hit rebuild, no matter what directory I choose. Very frustrating. Any ideas?





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How much RAM does your server have?


You list this as what is remaining to backup:


Remaining: 227 files, 87.8 GB



Do you have a couple of *gigantic* files needing backup? Maybe you've hit some RAM limitation on some specific file?

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I've been trying to get my Mac Backup Server going with a Tandberg Autoloader and am having problems backing up to tape.

Some information is missing.


(1) Exactly what version of Retrospect engine (8.x.x.x) and Retrospect console (8.x.x) do you have?


(2) Exactly what Tandberg Autoloader do you have? And what is the interface mechanism (Firewire? SCSI? What HBA card?) to the computer running Retrospect engine?


(3) There was a recent Retrospect Driver Update ("RDU") (version to address problems with Exabyte/Tandberg Firewire autoloaders. Do you have this RDU installed?


(4) What computer hardware do you have on the machine running Retrospect engine?


(5) What Mac OS flavor (server or non-server) and version (10.x.x) is on the machine running Retrospect engine?


(6) Just in case the error message is correct, how much RAM do you have on the Retrospect engine computer?



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Hi....thanks for both of your responses:


I'm not sure how to tell what version of the retrospect engine I have. I think most up-to-date...but where do I find that out?


And, by console, do you mean admin? If so, I am on Version 8.1 (build 626).


My tape unit is: Tanberg LTO-3 T24 Tape


It is connected via fiber.


I have replaced the RDU file in the server folder in application support and restarted.


The engine is running on an xserve G5 Dual 2GHZ (1 G ram) running 10.5.8 Server


Also, I tried to just verify my tape and got an error, so now I'm thinking that I just need to erase the tape and start over.....


THanks for your help!

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1G RAM is too low to run the engine:





Even the "minimum" requirements say 2G of RAM for the engine machine.



And if you check the log in the console, it will tell you what version of the engine you are running. If the log has looped, if you stop/start the engine via the System Preference, it'll write the engine version at engine start.

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If you don't want to stop and start the engine, you can also find the engine version information in this file:


/Library/Application Support/Retrospect/RetrospectEngine.bundle/Contents/Info.plist



That doesn't tell you if you have the RDU installed, though...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Friends...


Ok, I'm trying to get all of this up and am still struggling greatly with Retrospect:


1. I added RAM to the Xserve (now 4GB).

2. I still can't figure out what the engine build is and whether or not the RDU is loading properly. Here is the startup log as I start it...


I still get out of memory errors when doing nearly anything (recatalog, regular backups, etc)


May 20 16:49:51 backup Retrospect[19811]: Retro Prefs Pane Helper: stop_server

May 20 16:49:51 backup [0x0-0x1e01e].com.apple.systempreferences[19808]: 2010-05-20 16:49:51.422 Retrospect[19811:913] Retro Prefs Pane Helper: stop_server

May 20 16:49:51 backup sudo[19814]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.retrospect.launchd.retroengine.plist

May 20 16:49:59 backup authexec[19823]: executing /Library/PreferencePanes/RetrospectServer.prefPane/Contents/Resources/Retrospect

May 20 16:49:59 backup Retrospect[19823]: Retro Prefs Pane Helper: start_server

May 20 16:49:59 backup [0x0-0x1e01e].com.apple.systempreferences[19808]: 2010-05-20 16:49:59.910 Retrospect[19823:913] Retro Prefs Pane Helper: start_server

May 20 16:49:59 backup sudo[19825]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.retrospect.launchd.retroengine.plist

May 20 16:50:00 backup com.retrospect.RetroEngine[19827]: #3> DLLoadLib: no id resource in "/Library/Application Support/Retrospect/RetrospectEngine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/libretrores.dylib", skipDyloCheck 0x1

May 20 16:50:00 backup com.retrospect.RetroEngine[19827]: #2> Command line is /Library/Application Support/Retrospect/RetrospectEngine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/RetroEngine

May 20 16:50:02 backup com.retrospect.RetroEngine[19827]: dag service: client connected.



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ok...here is what it says I have, is this correct? Explain anything? Thanks.


5/21/2010 11:10:19 AM: Execution completed successfully

+ Retrospect version 8.1.626.1

Launched at 5/21/2010 2:56 PM


+ Driver Update and Hot Fix, version

devctrlrDevLogin: no login, refnum 0x11b5

devctrlrInstMake: unavailable refnum 0x11b5

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