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No Open file Backup with 7.7


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Since the previous post which goes back to last year got lost in the mix, I wanted to ask again why 7.7.325 still cannot backup a Windows 7 Ultimate client without failing because of not being able to run open file backup. Retrospect 7.6.123 has no problem running a backup of this client, but according to EMC tech service, will not properly backup a Windows 7 64 bit registry.

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It is basically error 3045 - Can't perform open file backup due to insufficient space. See the attached log.


The client has over 80 GB of free disk space, the backup location has over 300 GB or free space, and the PC containing the catalog files has over 12 GB of free space.


The client is a Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit machine. Retrospect resides on a Win 7 Professional 32 but PC.


Please remember that there IS NO problem with open file backup on Retrospect 7.6.123.

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Robin-what I can't understand is that Retrospect 7.6.123 does not produce this or any error and successfully performs a backup of this particular client with no problems.


On the source machine, that containing Retrospect, there are errors in the event log. For example, there is a error 3045 (can't use open file backup due to insufficient space) and Activation context generation failed for "C:\Program Files\Retrospect\Retrospect 7.7\retroex2k7.exe".Error in manifest or policy file "C:\Program Files\Retrospect\Retrospect 7.7\Microsoft.VC80.CRT.MANIFEST" on line 4. Component identity found in manifest does not match the identity of the component requested. Reference is Microsoft.VC80.CRT, processorArchitecture ="amd64",publicKeyToken ="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type ="win32",version= "8.0.50727.4053". Definition is Microsoft.VC80.CRT,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="8.0.50727.4053". Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.

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Robin - further to the above, I re-installed 7.7.325 with the driver update 7.7.102 and ran the script for the Win 7 Ultimate (64 bit) laptop. As before, many errors were reported on the Retrospect log (see R log 2 attachment). The only error in the Windows event viewer (on the server containing Retrospect) was error 3045 (see R log attachment).


For my clarification, when windows reports insufficient space, is it reporting about the client, the server containing Retrospect, or the back-up HD)?

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Robin - Only 'user' of the client containing data files is being backed up. This is where there is a possibility of 'open' files. No other volume of the client would necessarily have open files.


Did you see my question above re: insufficient space?


Why doesn't this happen with Retrospect 7.6.123?

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Retrospect 7.7 includes more VSS writers than Retrospect 7.6, so it may need more space to do a shadow copy. That’s the possible reason why R7.6 can succeed.


Even though you are only backing up one specific folder, I would suggest running a test backup of any folder on any other volume on that same client. That will help identify if the issue is with the client or if it is with the original volume. Windows is reporting for some reason that the source volume is low on disk space during the VSS attempt.

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Thanks Robin. I will run the test shortly.


Can you please help me understand the error message? When Windows [on the machine containing Retrospect] is reporting lack of disk space -- error 3045, is it referring to that machine? Or is it being provided an error message from the client or the device containing the backup files?

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