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Retrospect 8 crashed and now my entire setup has disappeared!!

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some urgent help needed before the panic kicks in.


Retrospect 8 with updates installed on a 10.6.3 intel xserve with 9GB ram.


The machine crashed so i had to do a force reboot.


logged back into the machine - started up retrospect and its reverted its self to ask me for a licence key


my scripts are all missing

i have no media sets


it looks like i'll have to set up from scratch...


please suggest something that doesn't mean i have to start from scratch again.... how could this possibly happen!?




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If you have a copy of "config80.dat" from a backup...


1) Stop the engine.


2) Remove the existing config80.dat *and* config80.bak files


3) Put your restored "config80.dat" file in place


4) Restart the engine.



Then you'll be back to where you were at the time you backed up the config80.dat file.



If you don't have a handy backup (like a Finder copy backup), but backed up the file to a media set, then you'll have to put in your license again, "locate" your media set and then restore the file from backup.


Then do the above.

Edited by Guest
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I've been using Retrospect 8 for 2 weeks; i was in the process of adding all my clients and creating media sets (laptops/Desktops/Servers/Filesharing) - i never did backup the config80.dat file... bad move


it looks like i'm going to have to start from scratch - i have my media set disks and tapes; if i recreate the scripts and sources can i reuse the current media sets without having to do a full recycle backup...

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