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I messed up the Retrospect Driver Update 8.1


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I just downloaded and tried to install the Retrospect Driver Update 8.1. I am using Retrospect version 8.1 (build 626). I tried to follow the following directions but couldn't find "Stop Retrospect Engine" in the Retrospect Prefs.



1. Click "Stop Retrospect Engine" in the Retrospect preference pane in System Preferences

2. Drag the "Retrospect 8.1 Driver Update" into the "/Library/Application Support/Retrospect" directory

3. Click "Start Retrospect Engine" in the Retrospect preference pane in System Preferences


So I closed out Retrospect and dragged the 8.1 Driver update file into the /Library/Application Support/Retrospect" directory. I restarted Retrospect and now I have an extra folder in my sources list called that is locked and is called "Retrospect Driver Update 8.1". I quit Retrospect and dragged the Driver update of the "/Library/Application Support/Retrospect" directory. After reopening Retrospect I still have the Retrospect Driver Update 8.1" folder in the Sources list.


So my questions are: Can I get rid of this new locked Folder in the Sources list? If So how do I do it because nothing I tried worked. My last question is, Where is the Click "Stop Retrospect Engine" in the Retrospect preference pane in System Preferences? I couldn't find it anywhere. I would like to correctly instal the driver. Sorry for the long winded question.


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