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Correct format for respawning retroclient process in newsyslog.conf?


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For the techies out there (as I'm not getting this...)


The file /var/log/retroclient.log is hard-coded to recycle itself when it hits about 2M in size.


If you turn on advanced logging ("retroclient -log 9") for the client which I'm doing to try to reproduce some bug, the 2M limit is not large enough to capture my traffic.



So I thought I could put /var/log/retroclient.log into /etc/newsyslog.conf and save backups of the client.


Well, this works, but not enough to respawn the process (apparently) to continue the logging.



This is the line I added to /etc/newsyslog.conf:



/var/log/retroclient.log 644 7 1000 * J



Which backups the log file at 1M and creates a new one, but the new log file is *not* written to at that point for subsequent backups.



On my server, I had to do something similar for "clamav" to respawn the process when archiving the log:


/var/log/clamav.log _amavisd:wheel 640 5 1000 * J /var/amavis/clamd.pid 1



But I can't figure out what would be the equivalent command for the retroclient app.



Any thoughts/suggestions?





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