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Cant remove mediaset member


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Almost all of my mediaset members (disk) have the "-" sign grayed out. Seems like only empty mediaset members can be removed. How can i remove sets that contain data?


I tried to uncheck the set which member i wanted to remove in the script that was using it but nothing changed.




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Seems like only empty mediaset members can be removed.


Of course.


If a populated Member of a Media Set were to be "removed," what would become the status of files that had already been copied to it?


If there's data on the Member, you'd need to mark it as "Lost" in order for Retrospect to maintain the integrity of the Media Set as a whole. But it will always be considered part of the Set, even if it's gone forever.


That's not to say you couldn't just erase/delete the actual data on the storage (tape or disk), and re-use it for something else.

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But what happens to the catalog if i remove the member-1 folder (disk media set) from the disk? Wount it get damaged and "out of sync" ?


My thought is to use a copy-backup script to first move all backup in member-1 to offline storage. Then remove member-1 from the server to gain space and continue running backup without doing a recycle.

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what happens to the catalog if i remove the member-1 folder


Well, if you do that without _telling_ Retrospect that you did, the program is gonna still expect to have access to it.


That's what the "lost" checkbox is for; it notifies Retrospect that the media is gone.


Next time you run a backup, Retrospect will attempt to re-copy any/all of the files that _were_ on that Member with versions that are still available on the Source. You're guaranteed a current Snapshot, but older versions or deleted files will be gone.




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AH, ok. Is there a way to move the member offline and then continue running backup as before without having to do a snapshot of the source again? Just continue to copy changes and new versions/new files.. (All the files in the snapshot is already in the offline backup)

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