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Network load in gigabit network

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I am running Retrospect Server 8 mit 20 clients.

I have installes the server Version on a MacPro coneected to a NAS via gigabit. I have installed it and defined a backup set on the server. I have aklso installed the software on the client computers. I have not defined a backup set. Though I haven´t defined anything, users complain about the speed of the network. It decreased drastically. Have you any ideas, why this happens. Is this an auto search probably for a bonjour server ? A tcp dump didn´t show much? will this dissapear when I have a backup set defined?. The reason why I can not test this myself is, that the users first have to get rid of their personal files on their computers, because we don´t to store it on the server. Does anybody know that problem?


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Hi Einie, I can't say I've seen the network slow down once RS Server has been installed, as it should only be pinging the network occasionally. Although, we have a Windows network and only back up a couple of Macs.


You could ask your users to move all their private files into a certain folder which you put in a Selector Exception rule, or the users can configure the Retrospect Client to exclude certain private folders from being backed up by makring them as Private.


If you do collect some private files, you can always just delete or recycle the backup set and start again.



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Hi Einie, I can't say I've seen the network slow down once RS Server has been installed, as it should only be pinging the network occasionally. Although, we have a Windows network and only back up a couple of Macs.


Ok !understood. It just pings the network.


You could ask your users to move all their private files into a certain folder which you put in a Selector Exception rule,



this i exactly what I am doing at the momnent. Everything that is personally yours, remove it from the hard disk and put it on a sharepoint , which I want to exclude. I don´t want to backup 70 gigs of music or other stuff.


That leads me to another problem:

Can you make a full backup minus a special folder.

I would like to exclude the parallels virtualiziation folder. This folder is 70 gigs in size and is marked for backup evertime. This takes time to backup which we do not have. Therefore I would like to backup that folder in the nighttime with a special backup set. Dantz here in Germany says, that I can not do this. Bit I can non believe that I can´t make a full backup minus one folder. Can you help?




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I don't see why you can't simply create a new Selector to include everything and in the exclude section put in the directory name for the parallels directory. Or alternatviely, tell it to exclude any file extensions that parallels uses.


I do exactly the same thing on my client backups, although I don't do full backups, only copy user data.


In the Selector for the machines I exclude file types such as *.ISO, *.vhd, *.mp3 (and many more) and exclude directories such as Downloads, temp, tmp so I don't collect rubbish.



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